- I haven’t posted for a while. I haven’t had much to say. You would be forgiven for thinking that I am feeling low but actually it’s the opposite. Everything is going really well for the last few months. I don’t know myself. It’s easy to write when I have something to complain about but less so when my mood is balanced.
This is the longest stretch of euthymia that I have had for years and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to recharge the batteries. It’s a welcome relief. Not that I don’t get bad days, I do. But that’s all they are. Days when I’m off form. They don’t persist. Doesn’t everyone get days like that?
Life is not a struggle right now. There is no effort involved in everyday activities. Work is fine, my home life is peaceful and I look forward to each new day with energy and enthusiasm. I’m enjoying myself. Long may it last.
Recently I took a holiday to South Africa with my family. It was lovely. We visited Cape Town and went to all the usual tourist attractions. The highlight of the trip was two days we spent on Safari. It was spectacular. We had a great time.
This time last year, I was in hospital. If someone had told me then that I would go on safari within twelve months, I would have suggested that they were mad and advised them to book into hospital with me for treatment.
There is no over estimating the beneficial effects of the passage of time. I don’t think about my admissions to hospital that much, there is no point. But I’m struck by how much better I feel, how much stronger, just one year later.
Everything changes, nothing lasts forever. Depression, hypomania and euthymia all come and go. I never know what’s just around the corner. My life is unpredictable and maybe that’s what makes it so interesting.