
Life is good. I’m feeling great. I haven’t a care in the world and I’ve been feeling like this for a while. I’m very grateful. 

For the long weekend, I travelled with my family to Donegal. I’ve never been before and the drive was long. But it’s worth it. Our hotel is on the beach. It’s 7.00am and I’m looking out at the waves breaking on the shore. It’s invigorating. 

We have no great plans for the day. My wife might take the kids surfing this morning but I won’t be joining them. I don’t swim. My aim today is to drink coffee, chill out and maybe read a book. We might do a little sightseeing if that’s what everyone wants but there’s no major agenda. And that suits me fine. 

It’s a little bit of a concern that I’m up so early while on holiday. It could be the sign of impending hypomania but I’m not really worried. I’ve been sleeping well in recent times and one early morning is not a cause for panic. If I have persistent early morning waking, then I will have to give it some consideration. But not now. 

I mentioned before that I had a renewed interest in meditation. It’s been going very well. I practice most days and regret when I miss a session. For a small effort on my part I gain a deep sense of relaxation and paradoxically, I always feel more alert and refreshed afterwards.  It seems to be working for me at any rate. It’s nourishment for the mind. 

Looking out at the sea, I delight in how peaceful and contented I am. The feeling is priceless. Wherever you are reading this, I hope you find a little peace and calm in your day. May you be happy. I’ll be in touch.