Here we go again!

It’s over 3 years since I posted. There is a lot of water under the bridge. Some things remain the same. I still suffer from Bipolar Disorder. That won’t ever change. My wife is still my greatest supporter. I hope that will never change. I’m in the middle of a mood swing. I’m unwell. That is going to change.

Remember how I used to say that my mood swings were short lived? That I was lucky? Well I tempted faith. I was depressed for most of 2023/24. I was hospitalised a few times and finally things started to improve last summer. I was taking an antidepressant which worked well until this year. I was in good form and life was easy.

But then I switched. I became hypomanic, elated, high. It’s better than depression but it is still decidedly unpleasant and equally destructive if left unchecked. I’ve said before that is difficult to describe a high. I feel edgy, on high alert and running on adrenaline. I’m lucky if I sleep for 3 hours at night. Three broken hours. Lots of vaping and cups of chamomile tea. Feeling restless and agitated. It sucks!

It can be induced by using antidepressants. It’s often heralded by the change of season. Either way, I have to get out from under it’s grip.

When I was feeling depressed last year I gave much thought to retiring from clinical practice. I toyed with the idea for a long time. Finally, at the start of summer, I hung up my boots. It was unclear what I was going to do with myself. Then opportunity came knocking on my door. I got a contract as a “Senior Educator” if you don’t mind. In short, I’m teaching. I love it. The students are enthusiastic and my years of clinical practice means that they have something to gain from my experience. The hours are less and there is no stress. I really have landed on my feet.

So what of this most recent admission? Well it’s not so bad. A few weeks off work and a tweak of my medication and I will be back to my old self. Or, should that be my new self? At least this time of rest has given me the wish to write my blog again. Come join me on a new journey….

4 Replies to “Here we go again!”

  1. Hi Dave, I’m glad to see you have a handle on the situation. A few weeks of rest and stillness should serve you well. Love and light to you.

  2. … “a little old fashioned but that’s alright” – Good to get some news of you Dave – Nice to see you writing again

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